Sunday, September 18, 2011

About the Book

God, Where Are You?! Faith Lessons Learned From Questioning God is a book written by a Christian, specifically for fellow Christians who are having a hard time understanding why bad things happen.

It might be struggling with long term unemployment, losing a home, a debilitating physical ailment, or even the unexpected loss of a loved one... Or perhaps is happens when we watch new newest massive disaster on the news, but sooner or later I believe most Christians find themselves questioning God.

Although I have been a Christian most of my life, there have been times when I cried out, "God, where are you?!" and "why is this happening to me?" The things I went through during these difficult times, when I felt that God had turned his back on me, have inspired me to write this book.

As I have struggled through an abusive marriage, a bitter divorce and custody battle, seven years of single parenting four young children with no child support, physical illness and the loss of loved ones, I found there are many lessons from the Lord that I have learned. With the hard economic times we are in (and with probably more difficult times to come) I feel the need to share some of the things God has taught me, to help guide and comfort other Christians going through tough situations.

Using the Bible as my major resource, in my book I discuss some of the fallacies that are being taught in some Christian churches today. These are things that leave the Christians in these churches heavily burdened or poorly prepared to face hardships and trials.

I also have a list of eighteen ways that God will use suffering for our good. Although not comprehensive, it certainly should give the reader some food for thought.

I believe that people in the United States, and much of the world will be facing some serious trials and tribulations in the future. It will be a time of sifting and testing for those of us who are Christians, as well as a time of growth.

One of the hardest questions a Christian may ever have to deal with is, "How can a good and loving God allow suffering?" My goal is to help those who are facing hardships to be able to deal with hard questions like this. I want to share with my readers that even in the tough times, when it looks like He is nowhere to be found, God is still faithfully and lovingly at work in our lives.

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